If to ask anyone who are the most active on Instagram teenagers, answers can be Chinese, American, maybe Brazilian […]
The Coca-Cola Company has stricken the deal with the U.S.-based innovative lab Liquid Light to further develop the CO2-to-Chemicals technology of making various multi-carbon chemicals such as propylene, isopropanol, and acetic acid from carbon dioxide. The company also converts CO2 to mono-ethylene glycol (MEG) which is a component of Coca-Cola’s PET PlantBottles.
When British Airways launched its Happiness Blanket, it was clear that ‘happiness’ had become an integral part of the brand’s thinking. No wonder, really; marketers and brand experts are well aware that appealing to consumers’ emotional core is one of the surest ways to engender a positive response—and no emotion is as positive as happiness.
But more than that, its approach is based on human truth and carries a pleasant simplicity. Fly with us, it says, and we’ll keep you safe, secure, protected—figuratively as well as literally wrapped up. It highlights that BA thinks of its passengers not as customers, nor as cargo, but as people.